
First meteor shower of 2019, the Quadrantids, expected to peak on 4 January

One of the most beautiful displays of "shooting stars" will peak just after New Years on 4 January.

There's won't be as much visibility of the meteor shower from India as Europe or North America, but it's possible to catch a glimpse of the blue-tailed cosmic spectacle nonetheless — if you know what to expect.

The 'Quadrantid' (pronounce: KWA-dran-tid) meteors are the first annual meteor showers of 2019.

The "Quads" really are notoriously unpredictable, but there's some amount of luck involved in spotting them. Here's all you need to know about the Quadrantids and how to maximise your odds of spotting these meteors at their peak.

What are the Quadrantids?

The Quadrantid meteors or "Quads" are among the oddest meteor showers known to us. It was discovered fairly recently in 2003 and has a very short peak period of a few hours unlikely the Perseids or the Orionids that last for days.

Interestingly, the constellation that they were named after no longer exists.

When the Quads were first spotted in 1825, the meteors appear to stream away from a point in the sky that appeared in a constellation called the 'Quadrans Muralis'. This constellation falls between the constellations Draco the Dragon and Boötes the Herdsman in a star map, just near the handle of the famous "Big Dipper".

The International Astronomical Union prepared a list of constellations in 1922, a list in which Quadrans Muralis was neither elected, nor included.

Since 2003, the odd origin of the Quadrantids has become a little clearer. Most meteor showers come from comets that have broken apart, and the source of the Quadrantids is an asteroid called the 2003 EH1, sometimes referred to as an extinct comet or a "rock comet."

Where to spot the Quadrantids

For the Quadrantids, as with any meteor shower, the bulk of meteors are visible when the radiant is high in the sky. The streaks of meteors' trails come away from the northern tip of Boötes, near the Big Dipper's extended handle, close to the Arcturus star — the brightest in the Boötes constellation.

To find the radiant, or the place of origin of these meteors, trace Boötes or Arcturus.

An alternative way to spot the Quad meteors is to first spot the Big Dipper constellation towards the Northeast direction in the sky.

Then, trace "arc" of the Big Dipper's handle to another visible star — a red giant called Arcturus that anchors the bottom of the Boötes constellation.

When and how to watch the Quadrantids

The radiant for the Quadrantids is the highest point in the sky in the darkest hour before dawn on 4 January in India, with the maximum visibility around 4 am in the morning, just between twilight and sunrise.

Know that meteor showers are notorious for defying even the best-laid forecasts, so your best bet is to spot them is simply to stay prepared and stay patient.

Binoculars and telescopes are not much use to see meteor showers since they streak overhead and are best seen without equipment.

It's crucial you give your eyes some time to adapt to the dark. Catch a dark patch of unobstructed sky and give your eyes 30-45 minutes away from sources of light to adjust.

NASA advises skywatchers to find a spot sheltered and well away from the city or street lights — a parking lot or a large park ideally and carry a sleeping bag or chair along to ensure you're comfortable.

The radiant of the Quadrantids will fall between the handle of the Big Dipper and the head of the constellation Draco. But while the radiant can help generally spot the patch of sky to observe, it is best to look slightly away from the radiant since the meteors further away from this point last longer in the sky and are more visible.

If you think you might need your cell phone during this time, lower the amount of blue light and brightness your screen gives off using "night mode".

Checking your phone in this mode while skywatching won't affect your night vision as much.


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